Tree Removal Service
Tree Removal Services
Trees are beautiful creations, beautiful and majestic, until they become damaged or die. When this happens, they become massive liabilities, which can be deadly hazards or, at the very minimum, unattractive nuisances.  As a tree removal service, we employ a trained and experienced staff to safely remove these trees before they crash through the living room window or take out the neighbor’s car in his driveway.  

Our tree removal services include a visit to your property, where we will assess your tree then provide you with recommendations and pricing. We will safely and professionally remove your tree to the ground without damaging your home, your fence, or your car.  
The Safest & Most Efficient Tree Removal
Sometimes, the safest and most efficient way to remove a tree is with a crane. Difficult jobs and technical rigging are our specialty. We have years of experience removing large trees in tight spaces. Using a tree removal service that isn’t experienced working with large trees and crane removals can be a major liability. Know that Reaching Higher has the experience and the expertise to handle large, crane-assisted tree removals. You can trust us to handle your tree removal with the highest level or professionalism and commitment to doing the job safely. 

It’s important to choose a tree removal company that’s careful with how they clean up after their tree removal service. We have ground protection mats available to use when necessary to protect your lawn as well, so that we don’t even damage your grass. That means we can work at your home even if the ground is soft and do it without leaving deep ruts all over! When finished, we will clean up your lawn, raking all the sticks and leaves, so that all that remains are the memories of the tree that once was.
Contact Us Today!
Send us a message today with the contact form here, let us know how to reach you and what we can do for you!

Or use these:
PO Box 637
Gap, PA 17527
(717) 502-4707

Serving Chester and Lancaster County, PA and the surrounding areas. Give us a call today at 717-502-4707 to schedule your tree service.

Forgetting what lies behind and straining towards what lies ahead, I press on towards the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13b-14
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