Coronavirus Updates
COVID-19 Impact at Reaching Higher
We’re actively monitoring the current Coronavirus situation and will post further updates here as the situation evolves.

Latest Update: March 23rd, 2020

At Reaching Higher we’re currently exempt from closure as a life-sustaining business, we are open for operation and are ensuring our team is following best practices for sanitation and social distancing in order to keep our community safe.

As a result, we are asking for your cooperation by taking the following precautions:

• Before a sales call, please mark the trees in question with a ribbon, or whatever you have handy.

• Our salespeople will not be knocking on your door, please do not go out of your house to greet them, simply be ready to use your phone to answer the salesperson’s questions from within your house.

• Please respond promptly to any work verification emails or calls if asked.

• In general, you do not need to be present when the crew arrives, but we do ask that you mark the trees that are to be serviced in some way, so that there can be no mistakes.

• If you are home when the crew arrives, please stay in your house. If the crew leader has any questions, they will call you. Please be prepared to answer the phone if they do call.

• If for any reason, you are outside or otherwise meet our crews in person, please practice social distancing by keeping at least 6 feet away.

Contact Us Today!
Send us a message today with the contact form here, let us know how to reach you and what we can do for you!

Or use these:
PO Box 637
Gap, PA 17527
(717) 502-4707

Serving Chester and Lancaster County, PA and the surrounding areas. Give us a call today at 717-502-4707 to schedule your tree service.

Forgetting what lies behind and straining towards what lies ahead, I press on towards the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13b-14
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